Insect Life on Mars?

Photo taken by NASA Mars Rover

Is it possible that arthropods have inhabited Mars? Recently, Ohio scientist, William Romoser, has compiled photographs, taken from NASA’s Mars Rover which he believes to be living reptile-like insects. Described on this diagram to the left, this entomologist has labelled the primary features. The abdomen, thorax, compound eye, legs and head. The insect resembles some species belonging to Coleoptera, beetles such as a darkling beetle (tenebrionidae). He also shows, in other diagrams, the presence of a spiracle on the left side of the body. However, there isn’t enough proof to conclude these photos depict extra-terrestrial lifeforms. Some believe they are simply rocks shaped like familiar insects.

He states that there has been and is still life on Mars. Romoser tells us that some of the photographs seem to portray fossilized invertebrates also. Right now, no-one can be sure that these are Martian fauna, it is until expert taxonomists are able to physically interact with these potential aliens that we will be able to recognise these organisms as live animals.

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